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NOV 2ND 2019




CMRS proudly will support CMR Australia to run a Master Class in Congenital Heart Disease on 2nd November 2019 at KPEC RPAH. This one day course aims to educate cardiologists, radiologists, radiographers and trainees. 


Speakers: This year there will be an expert international and national faculty including our guest speakers Prof Vivek Muthurangu Univeristy College London, Prof David Celermajer, Prof Richmond Jeremy, A/Prof Richard Chard, A/Prof Raj Puranik, Drs Rachael Cordina, David Tanous, Julian Ayer, Preeti Choudhary University of Sydney, Prof Christian Hamilton-Craig Prince Charles Hospital Brisbane, Dr Syliva Chen and Dr Subodh Joshi from Melbourne and many others.


Detailed program: This is now available by clicking on the link above


Cost: The full days registration is

$150 Consultant Cardiologists and Radiologists or

$75 Fellows, Trainees and Techologists 

Inclusive of morning/afternoon tea, lunch, post-course drinks and course material.


Accreditation: The course will have an appellation number for technologists.


Registration: This year numbers will be limited and so to express interest please email


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