One trainee position is offered each year (commencement February) in Cardiovascular MR. The trainee will be involved in scanning of simple and complex congenital and acquired heart disease.
It is anticipated that the trainees will complete more than 300 scans in a 12 -18 month period and would be eligible for Level II/III accreditation (satisfying the AHA/ACC guidelines). The program has options to further advanced training at UK sites in which CMRS is in collaboration with. Please enquire at rajesh.puranik@sydney.edu.au
Clinical CMR Fellow 2024: Dr Jake Ball, MB BS
​Dr Ball is a clinical Radiologist at the John Hunter Hospital and is setting up the CMR service with Dr Sugito in 2025.
Research CMR Fellow 2024: Dr Eoin O'Dwyer, MB BS FRACP
Dr O'Dwyer is enrolled in an MPhil in the use of Anabolic steroids and cardiac fibrosis.
Research CMR Fellow 2024: Dr Yaseen Omran, MB BS
Dr Omran is enrolled in an MPhil with interests specifically examining cardiac fibrosis in diabetes and the impact on aortic stiffness.
Research CMR Fellow 2024: Dr Linda Lin, MB BS, FRACP
Dr Lin is enrolled in an MPhil with interests specifically examining cardiac remodelling in STEMI, as part of the RESTORE MI clinical trial.
Research CMR Fellow 2024: Dr Daniel Chen, MB BS, FRACP
Dr Chen is enrolled in a PhD with interests specifically examining cardiac imaging in cancer medicine. He is a cardiologist at POWH and St George Hospital and completed his initial training in UCL, London in cardio-oncology.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2023: Dr Ashleigh Dind, MB BS, FRACP​
​Dr Dind is a clinical cardiologist at the SAN hospital and completed her clinical training at POW Hospital. She has an interest in Sports Cardiology.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2023: Dr Stuart Sugito, MB BS, FRACP​
​Dr Sugito is a clinical cardiologist at the John Hunter Hospital and is looking to set up a CMR service beyond his training at CMRS.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2022: Dr Aakansha Singh, MB BS, FRACP​
​Dr Singh is the CMRS clinical fellow and is a Paediatric Cardiologist, originally trained in India and now completing additional training at The Children's Hospital Westmead. She will embark on the EACVI CHD MR accreditation in 2021.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2022: Dr Sameer Karve, MB BS, FRACP​
​Dr Karve is the CMRS clinical fellow and has recently been appointed to Orange Base Hospital as a Consultant Cardiologist. He has trained at RPA for Cardiology training. Sameer will set up the CMR service for Orange Base Hospital in 2023.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2021: Dr David Baker, MB BS, FRACP​
​Dr Baker is the CMRS clinical fellow and has recently been appointed to RPAH as a consultant in ACHD. He has trained initially at the John Hunter Hospital and will embark on the EACVI CHD MR accreditation in 2021.
Research CMR Fellow 2021: Ms Makaela Bowman
Makaela is a GMP III student who completed her Honours in her medical degree with CMRS in Myocardial Mapping techniques.
Research CMR Fellow 2021: Dr Sophie Offen, MB BS FRACP
Dr Offen is the current CMRS research fellow and is a Clinical cardiologist. She is enrolled in a PhD with interests specifically examining the role of Tricuspid Regurgitation and various states of right heart volume loading, both acquired and congenital.
Research CMR Fellow 2021: Dr Julia Isbister, MB BS FRACP
Dr Offen is the current CMRS research fellow and is a Clinical cardiologist. She is enrolled in a PhD with interests specifically examining Right heart structural change in Brugada Syndrome.
Research CMR Fellow 2021: Dr Dan Chen, MB BS, FRACP
Dr Chen is the current CMRS research fellow and is working at UCL in London, where he is completing an MPhil (University of Sydney) examining the cardiac effects of novel CAR-T therapies.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2020: Dr Eoin O'Dwyer, MB BS FRACP
Dr O'Dwyer is the current CMRS fellow and is a Clinical cardiologist at the Northern Beaches Hospital. Dr O'Dwyer commenced his fellowship in mid 2019 and will compete to level III SCMR accreditation by the end of 2020. He will then start an MPhil in the use of Anabolic steroids and cardiac fibrosis in 2021.
Research CMR Fellow 2020: Dr Joe Femia, MB BS, FRACP​
​Dr Femia is the CMRS research fellow. He is undertaking a PhD through the University of Sydney with an imagine focus and is completing Level III CMR training. His PhD focusses on the novel diagnostic tools available with CMR in ARVC, post-mortem MR and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Research CMR Fellow 2020: Ms Ji Young Kim
Ji Young is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney and is specifically investigating the role of LGE in HCM prognostication.​
Research CMR Fellow 2020: Ms Yuna Lee
Yuna is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in Marfan's Syndrome and computational fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2020: Mr Jan Teng Teong
Jan is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in PA disease and computational fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2020: Mr Abdullah
Abdullah is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in Aortic disease and computational fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Dr Joe Femia, MB BS ​
​Dr Femia is a CMRS clinical fellow. He is has completed to level III SCMR accreditation and can independently both acquired and congenital cardiac MRI scans. Dr Femia has also been enrolled in a part time Phd in which he is investigating novel ways to diagnose LVNC and new ways to perform PM imaging.
Research CMR Fellow 2018: Dr Lewis Holmes MB BS
Dr Holmes is enrolled is a Basic Physician Trainee and is
specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in aortic computations fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Ms Evi Morris
Evi is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney and is specifically investigating the role of LGE in cardiac prognostication.​
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Dr Mark Dennis PhD
Dr Dennis is a post-doc in CMR and co-ordinating a RPA Cardiology-Endocrine collaboration investigating the presence of sub-clinical fibrosis in Diabetic patients. The study is funded by a NHF Vanguard grant.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2019: Dr Kelly Stanton, MB BS FRACP
Dr Stanton is our current CMRS fellow in CMR and is a Clinical cardiologist at St George Hospital. She is also completing her PhD in sports cardiology.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2019: Dr Kirby Wong, MB BS FRANZCR
Dr Wong is our current CMRS fellow in CMR and is a Clinical Radiologist at RPA Hospital. He is an expert in structural heart disease imaging.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Ms Anne Otieno
Anne is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in pulmonary artery computations fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Mr Harish Duggaraju
Harish is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in TGA computations fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Kevin George
Kevin is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in ToF computations fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Samantha Thompson
Kevin is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in Marfan Disease computations fluid dynamics.
Research CMR Fellow 2019: Katie Williams
Kevin is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in Aortic Disease computations fluid dynamics.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2018: Dr Joe Femia, MB BS ​
​Dr Femia is our current CMRS fellow. He is undertaking a PhD through the University of Sydney with an imagine focus and is completing Level III CMR training. His PhD focusses on the novel diagnostic tools available with CMR in ARVC, post-mortem MR and Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2018: Dr Javed Sheriff, MB BS FRACP PhD
Dr Sheriff is our current CMRS fellow in CMR and is a Clinical cardiologist at Canterbury and Concord Hospital. He has a basic science PhD prior to commencing medical training.
Research CMR Fellow 2018: Mr George Black
George is enrolled in an honours degree through the University of Sydney in the Department of Engineering and is specifically investigating the role of 2D MRI data in aortic computations fluid dynamics.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2017: Dr Mark Dennis, MB BS FRACP
​Dr Dennis is a clinical cardiologist who is a current CMRS fellow. He is undertaking a PhD through the University of Sydney with an imagine focus
Research CMR Fellow 2017: Dr Pankaj Gupta, MB BS
Dr Gupta is a trained paediatric cardiologist from India and is a current CMRS Research MRI fellow. He aims to set up a comprehensive cross-sectional imaging service in India after completion of studies in Sydney. He is completing his MPhil at University of Sydney.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2017: Dr Sean Lal, MB BS FRACP
Dr Lal is a clinical cardiologist and has an academic position at the University of Sydney in the Department of Anatomy. He is currently completing his PhD whilst the CMRS Fellow
Research CMR Fellow 2016: Dr Lauren Troy, MB BS, FRACP
Dr Troy is a trained adult Respiratory Physcian and is a current CMRS Cardiac MRI fellow. She is completing a PhD in Interstitial Lung Disease and Cardiac Imaging ie Exercise Cardiac MRI
Clinical CMR Fellow 2016: Dr Clare Arnott, MB BS, FRACP
Dr Arnott is a trained adult cardiologist and is a current CMRS Cardiac MRI fellow. She is completing a PhD in Pulmonary Hypertension and and Exercise CMR
Clinical CMR Fellow 2015-16: Dr Imre Hunyor MB BS, PhD​
​Dr Huynor is a Consultant Cardiologist at RPA and a post-doc in Cardiac MR Imaging. He is a former Rhodes Scholar.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2016: Dr John O'Sullivan MB BS FRACP PhD
Dr O'Sullivan is a visiting fellow from Ireland and has an excellent track record as a clinician-scientist with an imaging focus.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2015: Dr Ganesh Kumar Gnanappa, MB BS
Dr Kumar is a trained paediatric cardiologist from India and is a current CMRS Cardiac MRI fellow. He aims to set up a comprehensive cross-sectional imaging service in India after completion of studies in Sydney
Research CMR Fellow 2013-15: Dr Andrew Sherrah​ MB BS​
Dr Sherrah is an adult cardiothoracic surgical trainee currently enrolled in a PhD the with research interests in aortic disease, in particular examining the flow abnormalities associated with Type Aortic dissection.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2015: Dr Imran Rashid MB BS, PhD​
​Dr Rashid is a 3rd year advanced trainee in Cardiology and enrolled and a post-doc in Cardiac MR Imaging. After completion of the CMRS program, Dr Rashid will embark on a fellowship in the UK in Stress perfusion MR Imaging.
Research CMR Fellow 2015: Dr Pankaj Gupta, MB BS
Dr Gupta is a trained paediatric cardiologist from India and is a current CMRS Research MRI fellow. He aims to set up a comprehensive cross-sectional imaging service in India after completion of studies in Sydney.
Research CMR Fellow 2014: Mr Shamus O'Meagher BSc, PhD​
Mr O'Meagher is currently enrolled in a PhD program with specific interests in Exercise MRI in the repaired adult cohort of Tetralogy of Fallot. He has also investigated the effects of pulmonary regurgitation on the right ventricle and the effects of pulmonary valve replacement.​
Clinical CMR Fellow 2014:Dr Preeti Choudhary MB BS, FRACP
Dr Choudhary is an adult cardiologist with an interest in congenital heart disease. She is currently undertaking a PhD at the University of Sydney investigating LV non compaction cardiomyopathy
Clinical CMR Fellow 2013-14: Dr Madhu Ganigara MB BS MD​
​Dr Ganigara is a trained paediatric cardiologist from Bangalore, India and is a current CMRS Cardiac MRI fellow. He aims to set up a comprehensive cross-sectional imaging service in Bangalore where world renowned surgeon Dr Devi Shetty operates on arguably the largest number of Congenital Heart diseases in the world.
Research CMR Fellow 2012-14: Dr Sari Padang MB BS FRACP, PhD​
Dr Padang is an adult cardiologist currently enrolled in a PhD the with research interests in aortic disease, in particular examining regional aortic compliance in dilated aortas using exercise MRI.
Research CMR Fellow 2013: Dr Sarah Zaman MB BS ​
Dr Zaman is 3rd year advanced trainee in Cardiology and enrolled in a PhD and will continue her CMR training at Salt Lake City in 2014.
Research CMR Fellow 2012-15: Dr Martin Seneviratne BSc, MB BS​
Dr Seneviratne is a thrid year medical student currently enrolled in an Honours with the with research interests SLE, and examining the cardiac manifestations. He has published his work in Lupus.
Research CMR Fellow 2013: Dr Shareen Jaijee MB BS​
​Dr Jaijee is a 3rd year advanced trainee in Cardiology and enrolled in a PhD program, where plans to complete her training at the Hammersmith Hospital in London within the area of Pulmonary Hypertension and RV function with exercise MR.
Research CMR Fellow 2013-14: Dr Chris Naoum MB BS FRACP​
Dr Naoum is an adult cardiologist currently enrolled in the PhD with research interests in pulmonary venous blood flow and left atrial abnormalities impacted on by feeding effects on large Hiatus Hernia pre and post-op.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2012: Dr Stuart Grieve BSc, MB BS, PhD​
Dr Grieve is a former Rhodes scholar and undertook the CMRS fellow position in 2012. He is now the Parker-Hughes Professor of Radiology at the University of Sydney.
Clinical CMR Fellow 2011: Dr CJ Hsu MB BS, PhD​
Dr Hsu was the inaugural CMRS Fellow in 2011 and is currently on staff at CMRS having completed a further fellowship in London as a post-doc with Prof James Moon.
Research CMR Fellow 2011: Dr Sophie Offen MB BS​
Dr Offen is a thrid year medical student currently enrolled in an Honours with the with research interests in Diastology and CMR. She has published her work in IJC.
Clinical CMR Research 2010: Dr Rachael Cordina MB BS, PhD​
Dr Cordina was the inaugural CMRS Research Fellow in 2011 and is currently on staff at RPAH having completed a further ACHD fellowship in London as a post-doc.